Sugar-free dessert specialties

A dessert that fits into the diet? Believe it or not: it exists!
With our sugar-free products, you can easily replace what has probably been missing from your diet: pleasure. You won’t believe that this is not a traditional delicacy and neither will your partner. Finally, it is not necessary to make two kinds of desserts if you are the only one in the family on a diet.

2 Products

  • 550 g – 12 muffins

    • Sugar-free
    • Rich in protein
    • Reduced energy content
    • Source of dietary fiber
    • Egg-free
    • Fast, simple, delicious

    MYyummy Vegan, sugar-free, double chocolate muffin powder mix, with sweeteners.
    By using it, you can create heavenly-smelling, fluffy, sugar-free, double chocolate muffins in just three simple steps. With its high protein and fiber content, it complements any lunch, but is also a really good choice for breakfast, lunch or snack.
    Who doesn’t love chocolate muffins, even if they don’t feel guilty about eating them?

  • 500 g – 12 piece of cake

    • Sugar-free
    • Rich in protein
    • Reduced energy content
    • Soy-free
    • Egg-free
    • Fast, simple, delicious

    MYyummy Vegan, sugar-free sponge cake mix with sweeteners.
    With its help, you can create delicious sponge cakes in seconds, with just a few ingredients and simple steps. Incorruptible!